Naturally Rejuvenating,
Well-being for All,
Bringing Balance back to the Body

Bowen therapy clinic near Torquay, Paignton, Torbay, Totnes, Teignmouth, Newton Abbot, Kingswear, Dartmouth, Brixham

Bowen Technique in
Brixham & Paignton

Bowen Technique South Devon

Bringing Balance Back to the Body

Bowen Technique in South Devon – Pain Relief and return of Well-being

Kate Fullerlove is a Bowen Technique Therapist based at the beautiful Lupton House on the outskirts of Brixham, on the A3022. She specialises in pain relief in the body (both joint and muscle pain), the releasing of stress and anxiety whatever the cause, bringing you back to well-being.

Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive, treatment used to treat the whole body. As an Alternative/ Complementary therapy it helps to work with, and stimulate, the body's natural healing mechanism, setting up the environment for easing specific pain and re-aligning the imbalances.

It is done without skeletal manipulation and is a relaxing treatment, at the same time restoring and replenishing the energy of the individual, strengthening the immune system, and revitalising the whole person.

This treatment can be given lying down or seated, through light clothing or directly on skin, and is suitable for everyone; from strong, fit sportsmen and sportswomen, to pregnant mums, babies, children, and even the elderly & frail. Each Bowen therapy session varies according to the particular problems and needs of the client.

This therapy can be effective to help relieve everyday stresses and revitalise the whole person.

I found Bowen therapy to be very gentle especially compared to other back therapies.

Bowen therapist near Torquay, Paignton, Torbay, Totnes, Teignmouth, Newton Abbot, Kingswear, Dartmouth, Brixham
Back Pain

"I went to see Kate for Bowen treatment for a long standing back injury which was starting to impact on other parts of my body, i.e. hip joint. It was not uncommon for my back to seize about once every two months. I have seen Kate for a few sessions over a period of months and I have not had any reoccurrence of my back problems. I found Bowen therapy to be very gentle especially compared to other back therapies I have had, i.e. osteopathy, and I feel like Bowen treats the whole self not just the immediate symptoms."

Lower Back Pain, Migraines, Tennis Elbow

"Kate has helped me on numerous occasions especially to relieve migraines and tennis elbow, but more recently with realigning my pelvis which helped ease my lower back pain. I always feel physically and emotionally more balanced and able to cope with my busy schedule again once I’ve had a Bowen treatment. Kate is professional and caring with a lovely sprinkle of good humour."

All rounder!

"I suffer with shoulder pain caused by repeated dislocations, and lower back pain caused by long days sitting at my desk, the Bowen Therapy has helped enormously. My shoulder pain has gone and the back pain has been greatly alleviated, I am certain it would go too if only I did not sit at my desk for 11 hour days! The Bowen gets me through these times though. In addition I have discovered many added benefits, it helps with stress, no longer do I drive with clenched teeth after a long day at work, any other joint pain I have Kate is able to sort out for me and it has even helped with my oesophageal reflux. Kate is always so warm and cheerful. An hour with Kate is always the best hour of the day."


"I had neck problems for over ten years due to whiplash and tried physio and a chiropractor to no avail. I started seeing Kate about 18 months ago and the results have been fantastic. I am usually pain free and if anything sets it off, my next treatment always resolves the problem."

Neck and Shoulder Pain

"After suffering for several months with some disabling pain in between my neck and left shoulder blade, a friend recommended that I try Bowen Technique. I was not only very gently freed from this impediment with Bowen but, after that, enjoyed weeks of regular re-aligning which had a harmonising effect on my entire being, due to a major change in my life. Kate’s treatment is a wonderfully light and focussed, she is full of good humour and lots of knowledge about the human body and soul, homeopathy and other natural remedies. A fantastic person to have by your side in times of transition and trouble. Having now moved out of the area, I very much regret that I can’t have more of her. I wish I could get that sort of Bowen technique treatment here! ."

Menopausal Symptoms

"I have been suffering menopausal symptoms and stress – headaches, sore throats and infections. The Bowen treatments have dramaticaly alleviated my symptoms and restored my sense of well being. I was very skeptical at my first appointment but Kate has been quite delightful and so very helpful."

Ongoing Neck & Shoulder Pain

"I've suffered with an ongoing neck and shoulder problem for many years. I have had numerous therapies including physio, osteopathy, acupuncture, sports massage etc., which have all had their own benefits. However, I am so glad I was recommended to try Bowen and that I found Kate.
What an amazing treatment performed by a kind, caring and very professional therapist, someone who makes time to carry out a detailed consultation every time you visit which enables her to treat the whole body and not just the part that’s causing pain. When you've had lots of physical treatments it can be hard to understand how Bowen Therapy works as it's such a gentle therapy but I've found a huge amount of relief from the very first treatment! I recommend anyone suffering with any pain either acute or chronic to try a treatment and I highly recommend Kate."

Frozen Shoulder & Replacement Knee Problems

"The pain in my shoulder and upper arm were preventing me from lifting my arm, and I had a 'cold' area below my knee. My arm/shoulder is completely better and I've had an 80% improvement in my knee. I've found the Bowen Technique a gentle and relaxing treatment. Combined with homeopathy this has led to me experiencing a general feeling of well being and a more positive outlook, and the pain and discomfort has eased almost 100%. I had a full knee replacement 2 years ago and my problems are still improving."

Pain and Numbness in Hands

"I consulted Kate about numbness and pain in my hands, which was severe enough to sometimes wake me up at night. I had no previous knowledge or experience of the Bowen Technique, but assumed it would be similar to osteopathy. I found it to be much more holistic in approach, and although there was some physical manipulation it was extremely gentle and just over muscles and tendons. Following a couple of sessions the symptoms had virtually disappeared, and Kate was able to suggest ways of avoiding a recurrence of the problem.
Kate has a very supportive and empathetic approach, and I looked forward to the sessions, which were very pleasant and relaxing. Kate has a wide knowledge and understanding of health issues in general, and I have no hesitation in recommending her. I have recently begun to have problems with my left shoulder, and had no hesitation in approaching Kate for a consultation."

Recurrent Headaches, Neck & Shoulder Tension

"I was recommended to try Bowen therapy by a friend on the basis that 'You feel like nothing’s happening, but it works'. Having had reduced mobility and recurrent headaches from a very tight shoulder for some years on which I had regular massage, osteopathy and acupuncture, leading to only temporary relief, I tried Bowen as a last resort. Being used to invasive, often uncomfortable, treatment, I was highly sceptical as to how such light touches could be effective: how wrong I was! The morning after my first Bowen therapy session with Kate I woke up pain and headache free, and with more mobility than I could remember in a long time.
My very active lifestyle and lots of business travel mean that my shoulder can still stiffen up, but regular sessions with Kate ensure that I am kept mobile and pain free. I would recommend Bowen therapy – and Kate in particular – for the treatment of specific problems and for 'general maintenance' for an active life well into middle and old age. My time with Kate is precious, not just because of the physical results, but for the sense of well-being she generates."

Plantar Fascitis / Foot pain

"I had a very painful bout of Plantar Fascitis which I just couldn't seem to shift and the pain was, by times, excruciating. I saw Kate for one Bowen treatment and felt a lot better the next day. I went back for a second session a week later and the pain was virtually gone and certainly much more manageable within a couple of days of that second session. I'm not sure how Bowen works, but it certainly does! "

Persistent Back Problems & General Wellbeing

"I initially had Bowen Technique from Kate just for a general well-being treatment, like a service if you will, to realign my body. I was quite amazed at the difference it made, despite the fact it such a gentle treatment. I felt wonderful afterwards. Since then I have had further treatments to help various injuries - a previously persistent and recurring back problem (over 20 years) now seems to have become a thing of the past.
I can't recommend Kate highly enough. She is wonderfully thorough yet gentle and I'm amazed at the results from my Bowen Technique treatment, I always feel blissfully relaxed both during and after a session. "

Recovery Aid from Strenuous Sports Exercise

"Kate, Just a note to say many thanks for the treatment offered after this year’s Bridgnorth Sponsored Walk. As you are probably aware the walk is from Bridgnorth to the Brown Clee then returning to Bridgnorth a distance of approx 22 miles, the course is very undulating and puts immense stress on legs and other limbs. I have completed the walk 7 times now but fortunately for the past 2 years when I have returned to Bridgnorth I have been greeted by you and your colleagues offering treatment using the Bowen Technique. Following just a short gentle treatment my legs and limbs feel revived and I have no pain the following day!!! This is unlike previous years where it has taken me up to a week to recover. I highly recommend the Bowen Technique."

Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

"I have been seeing Kate for a number of months during my fourth and difficult pregnancy. Initially I was recommended to try Bowen therapy for my back pain which had progressed to quite severe pelvic girdle pain. I can honestly say I have seen so much improvement in all areas of my well-being- physically I am more mobile and the pain has decreased, emotionally Kate has helped me work through different feelings, and I feel in control.
Her knowledge as both a Bowen therapist and homeopath means she addresses your health in many different ways. Kate takes the time to talk to you and personalises your sessions and homeopathic medicines. I am so glad I found Kate because without her support I would have not experienced such relief.
The therapy itself is so very gentle that you cannot believe the impact it has. Kate is professional, kind, caring and really invests her energies into your wellness. The price she charges for what you get is unbelievable. I will continue to see Kate regularly and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you Kate."

Kidney Condition

"I received Bowen therapy from Kate Fullerlove whilst I was suffering from intense localised pain from a long term kidney condition. My energy levels were depleted, I felt frequently tired and was low in spirit. The Bowen technique was a revelation! This subtle and non-intrusive therapy had a profound effect; lessening pain, balancing my overall energy and relieving the tiredness. My posture improved and I even began sleeping better. In all honesty Bowen therapy helped me feel happier again! Kate is a wonderful therapist – clear and attentive, with an inquiring mind and a true passion for helping others. I would wholeheartedly recommend both her and the Bowen technique."


"Earlier this year I had persistent stiffness in my shoulder and was suffering emotional trauma after losing a close relative. I consulted Kate Fullerlove and had several Bowen treatments. It was a very relaxing experience.
After 3 treatments the shoulder was improved and I found I was able to release my inner tensions; I felt totally cleansed, spiritually and emotionally, and I felt able to move on. It was an amazing experience. After the next session the shoulder was completely better. Kate was very understanding, explained everything clearly and was completely professional. I find it hard to believe that such a gentle treatment could have such a dramatic effect on my life; I will certainly consult Kate in future to retain the balance in my life."

Many Benefits

"Calming, gentle and allows me to relax totally. Always seems to mend whatever needs mending under Kate’s treatment."

Knee Pain & Swelling

"I was experiencing a lot of pain with kneeling and was not able to get up. I have been able to do both of these fully since having Bowen treatment, with reduced pain and swelling, more freedom of movement and I now have no pain on walking."

Lower Back & Buttock Pain

"Pain in my lower back and buttock which prevented me from driving and gave me limited movement with walking, getting out of bed, etc. I am able to do everything fully since the treatment and am fully recovered. I have benefitted greatly from my Bowen treatment and have been recommending it to many people."

Golfer's Elbow

"I have suffered from golfer's elbow on and off for the last six years, as a result of the stresses put on my arms/tendons from kitesurfing. Having tried osteopathy and numerous other treatments, I had two Bowen sessions with Kate on the recommendation of my sister. Despite being rather sceptical about the nature of the treatment, since then I have had not had a single reoccurrence of the injury – and I'm now kitesurfing several times a week. Highly recommended."

General Pick-Me-Up

"I had a Bowen treatment with Kate with the idea of having a general pick-me-up. I had never had Bowen before and as I was feeling generally run down, I was curious to try it. Two months previously I had had a tooth extracted and my gum was still uncomfortable as if it hadn’t quite healed, but I had just accepted that this was a rather long healing process. After the treatment I felt extremely relaxed and slept like a log that night.
The most unexpected result happened within two days of my treatment – a bit of tooth poked out of my gum where the tooth had been extracted – almost like a new tooth. After the initial shock, I pulled it (with tweezers!) and a 5mm long slither of tooth came out! With that residual tooth slither out, the gum discomfort was almost instantly gone and I had this overwhelming feeling of relief. As the tooth had been extracted 2 MONTHS earlier and my Bowen treatment was 2 DAYS earlier, I can only conclude that it was the Bowen that somehow removed/released that niggling irritation in my life. Thank you Kate – very highly recommended!"

Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

"I have been seeing Kate for a number of months during my fourth and difficult pregnancy. Initially I was recommended to try Bowen therapy for my back pain which had progressed to quite severe pelvic girdle pain. I can honestly say I have seen so much improvement in all areas of my well-being- physically I am more mobile and the pain has decreased, emotionally Kate has helped me work through different feelings, and I feel in control. Her knowledge as both a Bowen therapist and homeopath means she addresses your health in many different ways. Kate takes the time to talk to you and personalises your sessions and homeopathic medicines. I am so glad I found Kate because without her support I would have not experienced such relief. The therapy itself is so very gentle that you cannot believe the impact it has. Kate is professional, kind, caring and really invests her energies into your wellness. The price she charges for what you get is unbelievable. I will continue to see Kate regularly and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you Kate."



My Bowen therapy clinic is accessible to those living in and around Torquay, Paignton, Torbay, Totnes, Teignmouth, Newton Abbot, Kingswear, Dartmouth, and Brixham.


Kate Fullerlove Brixham Bowen Therapist

Clinic addresses:

1) Lupton House, Brixham Road, Brixham, TQ5 0LD

and now also at

2) The Devon Clinic C.I.C., 30 Hyde Road, Paignton, TQ4 5BY


Tel: 07814 792823


Give me a call to book an appointment on the above number or send me an email.

...or if you want to know more before you book, just get in touch for a free chat to see if it's suitable for you or someone you know. There's no pressure to book an appointment.

Treatment Cost

Adults – £50

Children (up to 17 years) - £40

Babies (0-18 months) - £20

I do understand that sometimes people can find themselves in a difficult situation financially and it is more important to get the needed healing; if this applies to you then please give me a call to discuss.

Please Note: Only cash or cheque is accepted for payment.

As a qualified homeopath, I sometimes see that a homeopathic remedy would help alongside the Bowen Technique. If the client is interested, I normally charge £15 extra for this.

Treatment Duration

Adults - first treatment approximately 1¼ hours, follow up treatments approximately 1 hour.

Children/Babies - Shorter duration as appropriate, 30-45 minutes.

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